Respiratory tract

Respiratory tract

Source cause of many respiratory diseases:

oxidative stress – a weakened immune system – toxic loads – viruses – fungi – parasites – toxic loads

  • Asthma, bronchitis, COPD are all inflammatory processes
  • Many ENT problems such as sinusitis, sinus inflammation are caused by the CMV (cytomegalovirus=herpesvirus) virus
  • Fungi such as Candida can severely strain the airways and trigger an inflammatory response
  • Swollen glands mean there is an infection in our body
  • Inflammation/infection means that the immune system has detected and becomes active in an incriminating invader (bacteria-virus-fungus-parasite-toxic load) and wants to “flush” it out of the system: higher mucus production (runny-sneezing-tear-jerking-eyes-cough- coughing) to increase body temperature (fever)
  • Antibiotics only work against bacteria, not viruses-fungi-parasites-toxic inflammatory processes.
  • Antihistamines inhibit the immune system (histamine production) which weakens resistance.

  • Cortisol
    is a body’s own stress hormone that is produced in the adrenal cortex and depleted during prolonged stress (
    oxidative stress
    ) which reduces resistance and results in more risk of infection. Prolonged use of corticosteroids can result in symptoms such as depression which in turn results in reduced resistance…..
  • Often people wear an “emotional corset” resulting in breathing problems
  • Less stress results in higher resistance and less inflammation
  • Many people unconsciously have high “shallow” breathing
  • The influence of the diaphragm muscles, abdominal muscles, the inner and outer intermediate rib muscles and the supraclavicular (above the collarbone) muscles on our breathing is often greatly underestimated.