Griffonia Simplicifolia 13% 5-HTP hydroxytryptophan nightcapsweed

Griffonia Simplicifolia 13% 5-HTP hydroxytryptophan nightcapsweed

Griffonia simplicifolia is a South African herb. Griffonia contains 5-HTP (5 hydroxy tryptophan).

Serotonin is an important neurotransmitter in the brain for regulating mood, behaviour and sexuality and a normal appetite A serotonin deficiency is associated with symptoms such as depression, panic attacks, lack of libido, (eating) addictions, obsessive behaviour, (auto)aggression, disturbed temperature regulation, decreased pain tolerance, sleep problems and gastrointestinal symptoms. A serotonin deficiency can often arise from excessive stress and deficiencies of certain nutrients and a disturbance of metabolism (metabolism)
The pharmacological approach is to work with SSRIs (Selective Serotinin Reuptake Inhibtors, antidepressants, etc.) with the aim of activating more serotonin (with the necessary side effects).
The other approach is to supplement the body with specific building blocks and auxiliaries to create serotonin.

It may be that the body is not well able to make 5-HTP (metabolism disorder) from L-tryptophan. 5-HTP is already metabolized from L-tryptophan and can help to make serotonin more easily using Magnesium, Zinc, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin C.