NAC N-acethyl-L Cysteine antioxidant – mucus dissolving

NAC N-acethyl-L Cysteine antioxidant – mucus dissolving

N-acetyl-L cysteine is an antioxidant and therefore protects our organs and tissues from free radicals. For athletes, the amino acid is good for endurance, because NAC’s antioxidant activity ensures a better function of the muscle tissue.
NAC has an important function for the airways. It provides a softening of chewy mucus, which releases it from the airway walls.

By regulating glumate activity (neurotransmitter), NAC can help rehabilitate addictions, such as drug use smoking and gambling
In addition, NAC has a beneficial effect for liver function. It protects the liver from toxic substances such as alcohol, acetaminophen, heavy metals and cytostatics.