Snowflake Obsidian

Snowflake Obsidian

Energetic action
Obsidian is a strong insight and cleansing stone and stimulates personal development through (self)insight and the cleaning up of luggage from the past. It brings out the truth, the core or cause of things (or disease) and repressed and tucked away experiences and emotions.

Physically, the stone acts analgesic, cramping, stimulates digestion, detoxifies and improves blood flow. As a result, the stone can also heat up chronically cold hands and feet.


Snowflake obsidian is a soft working obsidian species and promotes inner peace and peace and provides balance in body, mind and soul. It helps to process traumatic experiences and provides insight. The stone has a positive effect on the veins, skeleton, eyes, cataracts, flu and colds.

The stone can work like a mirror and help discover who one really is but can also reveal the less fun aspects of the personality. The stone reduces anxiety, blockages, trauma and restrictive behavior and thought patterns and promotes the flow of energy.

Chakra Base Chakra
Color Grey-White spots
Location Armenia, Bolivia, Germany, Mexico, Italy, Z.Africa, Indonesia, Iceland, Greece.