Devil’s claw (Harpagophytum procubens)

Devil’s claw (Harpagophytum procubens)

Devil’s claw is native to southern Africa, especially in Namibia and the Kalahari Desert, and also occurs on the island of Madagascar. The plant is called devil’s claw because of the numerous claw-like small hooks with which the exotic fruits are covered. The tubers of the plant contain ingredients that would have a beneficial effect.


  • As you age, the cartilage degeneration takes place. Devil’s claw ensures the preservation of healthy cartilage.*
  • For flexible joints*


  • Devil’s claw supports healthy digestion**,
  • contributes to the appetite**.
  • Stimulates digestion*

*Permissible EFSA claims
**Provisionally authorised EFSA claims (on hold)