

Unique: our food supplements are carriers of added frequencies!

We integrate most diverse frequencies in our formulations:  products, intentions, trigonometric figures, essential oils, flower remedies, healing stones, colors, sounds (such as dolphin frequencies and singing bowls)
a harmonious composition of frequencies similar to a chord or a combination of a symphonic orchestra that is added to our formulations

Due to this unique synergetic effect, we work integrally on the physical and the psychosomatic cause.
These frequencies are not digital frequencies as for example with Rife frequencies or bioresonance quantum machines.

Working on emotional blockages, psychosomatic complaints, grounding, cosmic integration, purification of past lives.

Integral approach to balance Body – Mind – Soul
The frequencies are save and are “offered” to your systems, a formula consists of a large number of “hyperlinks” where you can download what suits you at that moment.
Safe for highly sensitive people and therefore versatile, with extremely high frequencies that greatly enhance the physical formulations.

for each formula we indicate which frequencies are integrated, including a setup photo


Golden healer

Energetic action it is a powerful healer with gentle, peaceful energy. It is a widely used tool for or tool in various forms of healing because it stimulates healing at all levels and strengthens energy. Physical Golden healer works detoxifying and has a positive effect on the immune system, digestive system, intestines, pancreas and abdominal […]

Golden seal

Energetic action Golden Seal (Hydrastis canadensis) is used for spells of protection, prosperity and healing. Physical Golden seal has built a reputation as an herbal antibiotic and an immune system boost. Traditionally, it was used to treat inflammatory diseases of the mucous membranes, especially those of the digestive system. Its traditional use includes the treatment […]

Holy Basil

Physically Holy basil essential oil or Tulsi oil is a variety that is considered one of the most valuable basil. Aromatic and stimulating and can be used in many skin treatments , it is particularly effective in soothe and soften the skin. Spiritual Holy Basil is a powerful bio-energetic field harmoniser, which means it restores […]

Khaki world tree

Energetic action The World Tree has to do with the survival of the earth and life on earth. There is a very special Khaki Tree. The kaki tree in question is located in Nagasaki near the epicenter of the Plutonium bomb that fell here on August 9, 1945. The bomb that ended World War II. […]


Energetic action It is a stone that you place with two legs on the ground and makes communicative. Labradorite learns to stand up for yourself. Labradorite is also a perfect meditation stone and helps connect with guides and higher energies. Physical Labradorite supports sleep problems and when worn at night Labradorite helps against snoring. Labradorite […]


Energetic action The Lemniscate is used to balance out energies (energetic healing) + the therapist’s shielding from the client, to prevent fluidification (aura). Physical The Lemniscate can be used to weaken powerful Earth rays and to provide more harmony for humans, animals and plants. By placing Lemniscaten in the house or in the ground (garden) […]


Energetic action Something cooling, moistening, sweet. Cramping, soothing, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, adaptogen, strengthening, mucus-dissolving, laxative. Works well for the solar plexus and sacral chakras. Physical Good for digestion Spiritual Liquorice root is mainly associated with the female and has mild oestrogen properties. However, it also has some masculine energy, it gives strength, assertiveness and endurance. Reigning […]

Lotus flower

Energetic action Because it flourishes through the sun and the water, it symbolizes spirit and matter, fire and water, the origin of all that is. Because she emerges in all beauty from muddy, dark depths, it is also considered as an opportunity for man to reach the purity of divine status from the imperfect, drekkige- […]

Morpho Peleides

Energetic action A blue butterfly is often seen as a sign of life. But in most cultures, the blue butterfly is a symbol of acceptance, honor and great energy. A blue butterfly can also symbolize the passage of time, change and meaningful purpose in life. Emotional Butterflies in all colors – not just blue – […]

Mountain crystal pyramid

Energetic action it has a powerful healing and cleansing effect. It can therefore very well support all forms of healing, energetic therapy and spiritual work. The stone purifies the body and chakras and balances the chakras. It protects your energy field from negative influences such as radiation from mobile phones and computers, negative energy from […]


Latin Name: Cymbopogon Martinii Country of Origin: India Extraction: Water vapor distillation Psychic: Palmarosa oil has a harmonizing effect. After a strenuous, hard day, she brings relaxation and wholesome rest. Restores inner balance and helps to get rid of stress and agitation. It leaves behind a sense of harmony and contentment and the possibility, free […]

Pyrite sun

Energetic action Pyrite sun is an excellent energy shield. It blocks negative energy and pollutants at all levels. Physical The stone has physical influences on: Breathing, asthma, infectious diseases, bones, cell formation, DNA damage, self-esteem, meridians, sleep, fatigue, despair, self-confidence Spiritual Pyrite sun is a very positive stone that gives a lot of energy. This […]

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