

Unique: our food supplements are carriers of added frequencies!

We integrate most diverse frequencies in our formulations:  products, intentions, trigonometric figures, essential oils, flower remedies, healing stones, colors, sounds (such as dolphin frequencies and singing bowls)
a harmonious composition of frequencies similar to a chord or a combination of a symphonic orchestra that is added to our formulations

Due to this unique synergetic effect, we work integrally on the physical and the psychosomatic cause.
These frequencies are not digital frequencies as for example with Rife frequencies or bioresonance quantum machines.

Working on emotional blockages, psychosomatic complaints, grounding, cosmic integration, purification of past lives.

Integral approach to balance Body – Mind – Soul
The frequencies are save and are “offered” to your systems, a formula consists of a large number of “hyperlinks” where you can download what suits you at that moment.
Safe for highly sensitive people and therefore versatile, with extremely high frequencies that greatly enhance the physical formulations.

for each formula we indicate which frequencies are integrated, including a setup photo



Energetic action For people who do have a very straightforward way of life; they deny themselves all kinds of pleasures and pleasures because they feel that the work is before everything. They’re very strict with themselves. They want to be healthy, strong and active, and do everything they can to stay that way. They hope […]


Energetic action * Shungiet helps you see and take them. * Shungiet helps you activate your unconscious during learning and studying. * Shungiet helps you find yourself after violent accidents and traumas Physical * Shungiet works detoxifying and is especially good against all types of electromagnetic smog. Put a sphere or pyramid near your computer […]

Snowflake Obsidian

Energetic action Obsidian is a strong insight and cleansing stone and stimulates personal development through (self)insight and the cleaning up of luggage from the past. It brings out the truth, the core or cause of things (or disease) and repressed and tucked away experiences and emotions. Physical Physically, the stone acts analgesic, cramping, stimulates digestion, […]

Super Seven

Energetic action Super seven has a highly transformative effect. It promotes personal and spiritual development, enhances spiritual skills and knowledge and strengthens intuition. The stone acts as a kind of antenna for energy and creates a bridge between you and your guides and light beings, other worlds and dimensions, sources of spiritual knowledge, past lives […]


Physical Vetiver has a calming, worm-repellent and antiseptic effect, strengthens the immune system and can rebalance disrupted hormone levels, especially in the transition. It has stimulating and anti-bacterial properties and is well used in the control of eczema, skin irritations, itching, acne, wounds, arthritis, muscle pain, rheumatism, sprains, colic, stiffness. Also drives out insects and […]


Energetic action They are very helpful instruments in healing because they make the body receptive to treatment. Water holes also strengthen the healing power of other crystals. The stone stabilizes body, mind and aura and removes negativity. He gives love and protection and helps with anger and stress. Physical Physically, agate has a positive effect […]

What suits you, what do you need?

You are interested but do not know which products suit you best?
Fill in the questionnaire and we will send you a free proposal by e-mail with a brief explanation.
Since 2000 we are practicing naturopathy. We will handle your information with utmost confidentiality  in accordance with privacy legislation and NEVER share this information with third parties.

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